
Tectubi Raccordi SpA testimonial at the "Exploring New Nuclear" session held in ENLIT 2024

On 23 October 2024 Valter Alberici, President & CEO of Tectubi Raccordi SpA and Allied International Group, within ENLIT 2024 event in Milano, participated in a panel discussion focused of the new nuclear, together with Sandro Baldi from EDF, Alberto De Min from Newcleo and Yves Desbazeille from Nucleareurope.
The panel was moderated by Rudy Koenig and evidenced the role of the upcoming new generation of nuclear energy in achieving decarbonization as well as lower and stable costs of energy in Europe.
Valter Alberici emphasized the crucial need to (re)build a robust and collaborative nuclear supply chain in Europe, considering both the shortage of qualified suppliers across many segments and the evolving demand from end users for increasingly complex components to enhance the safety levels of nuclear plants. Delays in many projects did not help in this regard.
Therefore, Valter continued, it is necessary to make investments for technological development in Europe’s nuclear sector, with the involvement of national governments and the European Community, to strategically complement the efforts of the research and the industry.

Encouraging signs include a growing openness among younger generations towards nuclear energy and the awareness that Europe’s decarbonization targets cannot be achieved without the technological and implementation advancements in the nuclear sector, which will become complementary to other forms of clean energy production, such as renewables, hydroelectric, and hydrogen.
Valter concluded by highlighting the exemplary support provided by French authorities and banking system in the recent acquisition of BSL Pipes & Fittings by the Allied International Group aimed at bringing this historic manufacturer of welded pipes back into the nuclear sector, contributing directly to the rebuilding of the supply chain.

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Interfit SAS - Sede legale / Registered office: Avenue Joseph Cugnot, Z.I. de Grévaux-les Guides BP 132, 59602 Maubeuge Cedex, France
Capitale sociale / Paid capital € 6,612.00 - Camera di Commercio / Chamber of Commerce: RCS Valenciennes 331 408 591 - IVA / VAT No. FR5331408591
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