
Manufacturing standards

Manufacturing standards
ASME B16.9 - B16.28 - ASME B16.25 - MSS-SP75 - MSS-SP43
DIN 2605 - 2606 - 2615 - 2616 - 2617 - BS 1640
GOST 17374 - 17375 - 17376 - 17377 - 17378 - 17379 - 17380

Websites of the Group

Interfit SAS - Sede legale / Registered office: Avenue Joseph Cugnot, Z.I. de Grévaux-les Guides BP 132, 59602 Maubeuge Cedex, France
Capitale sociale / Paid capital € 6,612.00 - Camera di Commercio / Chamber of Commerce: RCS Valenciennes 331 408 591 - IVA / VAT No. FR5331408591
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